Want to raise money for a good cause? Fundraising is certainly a noble pursuit, but finding an original way to tap into an individual’s generosity is not always easy. 

With the cost of living on the rise, many people are seeing their disposable income squeezed, so they might need a little more convincing to part with their money, even for charity. 

With this in mind, let’s explore some ways you can help to raise money for charity in a way that will benefit both the giver and the charity. 

Why raise money for charity?

There are many reasons you might want to raise money for charity. For most people, it’s because of a personal connection with a charity, such as losing a family member to a disease or condition. Others will want to raise funds for causes that they believe strongly in. 

For some, it’s a great opportunity to meet people and make friends for life. Whatever your reasons for wanting to raise money, there are so many ways you can achieve this with varying levels of effort required.

Volunteers setting up fundraising event

How to raise money for charity

Easy: Host a social media fundraiser

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to raise money for charity is through a social media fundraiser. If you have a birthday coming up, you can easily set up a fundraiser and ask people to contribute to this instead of buying you a gift. As you get older, you might find you want fewer gifts, so a fundraiser allows you to do something meaningful on your birthday.

Easy: Sell your creative wares

If you have a skill for making something creative like jewellery or artwork, you could host a charity sale to raise money for the charity of your choice. You could also request a stall at a craft fair and include additional signage to indicate that all proceeds will go to a specific charity. Make sure you use your social media platforms to share your efforts far and wide, and then also share how much you raised in the end.

Community cleanup day

Medium: Host a community day

If you want to get involved with charity as a way to connect with those around you, you should consider a community day. Examples of great community days that bring people together include clean-ups and gardening days. Sometimes, you don’t have to give money to help charities, you can give service, instead.

Connect with local charities to find out what services would be useful to them, and then band together in your community to help bring people together.

Medium: Take part in a charity event

If you want to do something slightly more involved, you could consider taking part in a sponsored event. This could include a marathon, long-distance trek or a cycling challenge. Physical feats tend to be more successful than adrenaline-fueled feats like a skydive. Unless, of course, people know that a skydive would be incredibly difficult for you.

You can use social media to document your preparations for the event and also encourage donations along the way. It’s likely that you’ll have to complete the event for your sponsorship to be collected, so make sure you choose something achievable.

Family fun day charity event

Difficult: Run your own charity event

Perhaps the most difficult way to raise money for charity is through running your own event, but this isn’t always the case if you’re very organised and good with people. To run a charity event, you’re going to need to ask for charitable contributions from a venue and vendors. 

You could host a charity concert, craft fair, family fun day or street food event. You can then either charge an entry fee, or make your event free and allow people to donate throughout the day. If they have been granted free entry, they are likely to donate more than they would have through a ticket fee.

Closing thoughts

Raising money for charity is a great way to meet people and connect with those around you. There’s a common misconception that raising money for charity is difficult in some way. This isn’t the case. Once you have a good idea for a charity event, it’s easy to get the ball rolling. Platforms like Facebook and GoFundMe make it easier than ever before to raise funds.